Tricho test
Tricho test: genetic test for alopecia
The Tricho test is an advanced hair test used to analyse the health of the hair and scalp. It consists of taking a hair sample and analysing it in detail in a specialised laboratory.
This test is very useful in identifying hair health problems such as hair loss, thinning, dryness and weakness. By analysing the hair sample, experts can determine the presence of nutritional deficiencies and hormonal imbalances, as well as stress factors and other health problems that may affect the appearance of the hair.
The Tricho test is a painless and non-invasive procedure that requires no anaesthesia and no recovery time. The results can be used to develop a personalised treatment plan, which is tailored to the specific needs of each patient and addresses hair health problems effectively.
In our aesthetic clinic in Segovia, we have highly trained experts and the most advanced technology to perform the Tricho test safely and effectively. If you are interested in improving the health of your hair, feel free to contact us to schedule an initial consultation and find out how we can help you achieve a healthy and beautiful head of hair.
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